Structural and Interior Demolition

Structural Demolition

Definition: Structural demolition involves tearing down an entire building or structure.


  • Surveying: A thorough survey of the building is conducted.
  • Preparation: Utilities are disconnected and necessary permits secured.
  • Mechanical Methods: Large equipment like excavators and bulldozers are used.
  • Explosives: Controlled explosions might be used for larger structures.


Structural demolition produces vast amounts of debris, which are aimed to be recycled.

Interior Demolition

Definition: Interior demolition pertains to the removal of interior components of a building without affecting its exterior.


  • Surveying: A detailed survey is done to map out the interior.
  • Preparation: Utilities are disconnected and safety measures implemented.
  • Manual and Small-Scale Mechanical Methods: Manual labor is often involved, using tools and some machinery.
  • Selective Demolition: Care is taken to remove only specific parts.


Interior demolition produces varied waste, which is segregated and recycled for sustainability.

Safety Considerations:

Both types of demolition require adherence to safety regulations and proper protective equipment.

Incorporating recycling promotes sustainability by reducing waste, conserving resources, and providing potential cost savings.